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Title: تبدیل عکس به آیکون
حالت خطی
private Icon MakeIcon(Image img, int size, bool keepAspectRatio)


            Bitmap square = new Bitmap(size, size); // create new bitmap

            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(square); // allow drawing to it

            int x, y, w, h; // dimensions for new image

            if (!keepAspectRatio || img.Height == img.Width)


                // just fill the square

                x = y = 0; // set x and y to 0

                w = h = size; // set width and height to size




                // work out the aspect ratio

                float r = (float)img.Width / (float)img.Height;

                // set dimensions accordingly to fit inside size^2 square

                if (r > 1)

                { // w is bigger, so divide h by r

                    w = size;

                    h = (int)((float)size / r);

                    x = 0; y = (size - h) / 2; // center the image



                { // h is bigger, so multiply w by r

                    w = (int)((float)size * r);

                    h = size;

                    y = 0; x = (size - w) / 2; // center the image



            // make the image shrink nicely by using HighQualityBicubic mode

            g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;

            g.DrawImage(img, x, y, w, h); // draw image with specified dimensions

            g.Flush(); // make sure all drawing operations complete before we get the icon

            // following line would work directly on any image, but then

            // it wouldn't look as nice.

            return Icon.FromHandle(square.GetHicon());

+ نوشته شده در  جمعه یازدهم مرداد 1387ساعت 15:9  توسط گروه نرم افزاری قو  |  آرشیو نظرات
تغییر اندازه عکس
با استفاه از این کد شما می تونید یک عکس رو به اندازه یک دصد دلخواه تغییر اندازه بدین

public Image Resize(Image img, int percentage)


            //get the height and width of the image

            int originalW = img.Width;

            int originalH = img.Height;

            //get the new size based on the percentage change

            int resizedW = (int)(originalW * percentage);

            int resizedH = (int)(originalH * percentage);

            //create a new Bitmap the size of the new image

            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(resizedW, resizedH);

            //create a new graphic from the Bitmap

            Graphics graphic = Graphics.FromImage((Image)bmp);

            graphic.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;

            //draw the newly resized image

            graphic.DrawImage(img, 0, 0, resizedW, resizedH);

            //dispose and free up the resources


            //return the image

            return (Image)bmp;


پیام‌های این موضوع
تبدیل عکس به آیکون - توسط Ghoghnus - 10-31-2011، 02:54 PM

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