import java.awt.AWTException;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.MouseInfo;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.PointerInfo;
import java.awt.Robot;
* @author Erik Price
public class ColorGrabber {
private Color pixelColor;
private Robot bender /*yes. I am that awesome. Thanks for asking*/ = null;
private PointerInfo pointer;
private Point coord;
private int length;
private int width;
public ColorGrabber() throws AWTException //AWTException is for the odd circumstance that no mouse is attached.
//Don't forget to handle this
bender = new Robot();
pointer = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo(); //get raw pointer info
coord = pointer.getLocation(); //translate pointer info into a point
length = coord.x; //separate the x and y values of the point
width = coord.y;
pixelColor = bender.getPixelColor(length, width); //get the color
public void updatePos() //update mouse position. Identical to constructor
pointer = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo();
coord = pointer.getLocation();
length = coord.x;
width = coord.y;
pixelColor = bender.getPixelColor(length, width);
//all of the following get methods return an int from 0-255 (besides getColor)
public int getRed()
return pixelColor.getRed();
public int getGreen()
return pixelColor.getGreen();
public int getBlue()
return pixelColor.getBlue();
public Color getColor()
return pixelColor;
public int getX() //X value of pointer
return length;
public int getY() //Y value of pointer
return width;
/*example use*/
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException, AWTException /*remember to actually handle these exceptions if you plan on doing something productive*/ {
ColorGrabber grab = new ColorGrabber();
while(true) //infinite loop
grab.updatePos(); //find the mouse
System.out.println("Blue:\t" + grab.getBlue());
System.out.println("Red:\t" + grab.getRed());
System.out.println("Green:\t" + grab.getGreen());
Thread.sleep(1000); //wait for one second