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مهمان عزیز خوش‌آمدید. ورود عضــویت

امتیاز موضوع:
  • 27 رای - 2.67 میانگین
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Title: سورس کد مدیریت حسابداری هتل (سی پلاس پلاس)
حالت موضوعی
سورس زیر که مدربوط به مدیریت حسابداری هتل میباشد که به زبان سی پلاس پلاس نوشته شده است.
سورس کد:
#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <graphics.h>

#define NUM 5
#define PH 8
#define MPH 12
#define MIN 30
#define MAX 61
#define DAY 3
void box(int,int,int,int);
void main1();
void add();              // Ask user for input.
void about();
void view();         // Diplay all the record one by one.
void bill();
void viewall();      // Diplay all the record.
void searchname();   // Search for a record.
void searchid();     // Search for a record.
void c_id();
void c_name();       // Changes the name in a record.
void c_add();        // Changes the address in a record.
void c_days();      // Changes the connection type in a record.
void del();          // Deletes a record.
int date(void);      // This fucntion is for displaying System Date.

void check_id(char *,int);         //Checks for the length and validity of Member ID
void check_name(char *,int);    //Checks for the length and validity of Name
void check_add(char *,int);     //Checks for the length and validity of Address
void check_days(char *,int);   //Checks for the CONNECTION TYPE
void check_phone(char *,int);   //Checks for the length and validity of Phone Number
void check_mphone(char *,int);  //Checks for the length and validity of Mobile Number
int duplicate(char idno[]);      //Checks for the Duplication of the Member ID
int passprotec();

void empty();

struct customer
    char id[NUM];           /* ID of Length 4 integers*/
    char name[MIN];        /* Name of Length 30 characters*/
    char fname[MIN];     /* Father's Name 30 characters*/
    char address[MAX];     /* Address of Length 61 alphanumeric*/
    char phone[PH];        /* Phone Number of Length 8 integers*/
    char mphone[MPH];    /* Mobile Number of Length 12 integers*/
    char days[DAY];    /* Blood Group */
    int  day;            /* It is used to display the day of length 2*/
    int  month;          /* It is used to display the month of length 2*/
    int  year;           /* it is used to display the year*/

    return 0;
int passprotec()

   //    clrscr();
    char ch,pws[50],cpass[50],fname[50];
    int i,j,pcnt,k,ccnt;
    FILE *fp;
    //    setbkcolor(BLACK);


    if(fp == NULL)
        printf("\n\nfile dose not found.");
        printf("\nPlease any key to exit");
    while( (ch=fgetc(fp)) !=  EOF)
    //    gotoxy(35,10);
       //    printf("HOTEL MANAGMENT SYSTEM");
  //    gotoxy(35,13);
    printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\tEnter Your Password:");

    //    textcolor(RED);
    while((ch=getch()) != 13)
        //    textcolor(6);

            //    textattr(128 + 10);
            //    cprintf("\n\nPassword is Right Access is Granted !!!");
            //textattr(128 + 4);
            printf("\n\n\n\t\t\tPassword is Invalid.!!!");
        //textattr(128 + 4);
        printf("\n\n\n\t\t\tPassword is Invalid.!!!");
    return 0;

void main1()
    int ch;
   int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;


   initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "c:\\turboc3\\bgi");
//  setcolor(GREEN);
//    settextstyle(7,0,3);
//   setcolor(GREEN);
   outtextxy(60,10," Hotel Management System");

//   closegraph();
    printf("1. Enter New Record");

    printf("8. Change Name");

    printf("2. View Record One-By-One");

    printf("9. Change Address");

    printf("3. View All Record");

    printf("10. Change Number of days");

    printf("4. Search By Room Number");

    printf("11. Delete a Record");

    printf("5. Search By Name");

    printf("12. About Author");

    printf("6. Bill");


    printf("7. Change Room Number");

     //    delay(1000);
      //    gotoxy(45,20);
      //    printf("14.Log Out");

    printf("Enter Your Choice [1-13]         ");

    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:
    case 6:
    case 7:
    case 8:
    case 9:
    case 10:
    case 11:
    case 12:
    case 13:
            printf("<<--ENTER FROM 1-13 PLEASE-->>");    //This message will only print on INVALID ENTRY and Will ask again for input.


void add()

    FILE *fp;
    char ch;
    char temp[NUM];


            printf(" ++ Adding records to database ++ ");
                printf("Enter Member ID: ");
                check_id(temp, NUM);


            while(duplicate(temp));             //This Condition Will keep on executng till a non duplicate ID is entered.

            strcpy(rec.id, temp);             //After verifying, ID in 'temp' will copy to 'rec.id'

            printf("Enter Name : ");
            check_name(rec.name,MIN);          //It will verify that no neumerical input is given & the name input should not exceed the length limit
            printf("Enter Father's Name : ");
            check_name(rec.fname,MIN);      //It will verify that no neumerical input is given & the name input should not exceed the length limit
            printf("Enter Address : ");
            check_add(rec.address,MAX);        //It will verify that only alpha neumeric input is entered & should not exceed the length limit
            printf("Enter Phone Number : ");
            check_phone(rec.phone,PH);        //It will verify phone number of a particular length
            printf("Enter Mobile Number : ");
            check_mphone(rec.mphone,MPH);   //It will verify mobile number of a particular length
            printf("Enter Number of Days to stay : ");
            check_days(rec.days, DAY);  //It will allow user to enter the blood group no other character than A B and O +/- could be entred

                struct date d;

                printf("Date of Membership : %d-%d-%d ",d.da_day,d.da_mon,d.da_year);
                rec.day   = d.da_day;
                rec.month = d.da_mon;
                rec.year  = d.da_year;


            fwrite(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp);    //Record will be written to file.

            printf("Do you want to enter another record [Y]/[N]: ");

        }while(ch =='Y');    //Repeat loop while user inputs 'Y'

        printf("+++ Error opening file +++");
void view()
    FILE *fp;


        while( fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp))
            if(strcmp(rec.id," ")!=0)
                /*Calling all the records saved in the database*/
                printf(" ++ Viewing records from the database ++ ");
                printf(" Member ID : %s",rec.id);
                printf(" Name : %s",rec.name);
                printf(" Father's Name : %s",rec.fname);
                printf(" Address: %s",rec.address);
                printf(" Phone Number: %s",rec.phone);
                printf(" Mobile Number: %s",rec.mphone);
                printf(" Total Number of Days : %s",rec.days);
                printf(" Date of Reservation : %d-%d-%d",rec.day,rec.month,rec.year);


            if(strcmp(rec.id," ")==NULL)
                printf("+++ Record not found in the database +++");
        printf("+++ Error opening file +++");
void searchname()
    char ch;
    FILE *fp;
    char name[MIN];


    printf("Please enter the members name :  ");

    while ( fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp) && strcmp(name,rec.name) );

        printf(" +++ Record Not Found +++ ");

        printf(" ++ Search Results ++ ");
        printf(" Member ID: %s",rec.id);

        printf(" Name : %s",rec.name);

        printf(" Fathers Name : %s",rec.fname);

        printf(" Address : %s",rec.address);

        printf(" Phone Number : %s",rec.phone);

        printf(" Mobile Number : %s",rec.mphone);

        printf(" Total Numbers of Days : %s",rec.days);
        printf(" Date of Reservation : %d-%d-%d",rec.day,rec.month,rec.year);
void searchid()
    int ch;
    FILE *fp;
    char sno[NUM];


    printf("Please enter the member ID :  ");

    while ( fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp) && strcmp(sno,rec.id) );

        printf(" +++ Record Not Found +++ ");

        printf(" ++ Search Results ++ ");
        printf(" Member ID : %s",rec.id);

        printf(" Name : %s",rec.name);

        printf(" Father's Name : %s",rec.fname);

        printf(" Address : %s",rec.address);

        printf(" Phone Number : %s",rec.phone);

        printf(" Mobile Number : %s",rec.mphone);

        printf(" Number of Days : %s",rec.days);
        printf(" Date of Reservation : %d-%d-%d",rec.day,rec.month,rec.year);

void c_name()
    int ch;
    FILE *fp;
    char sno[NUM];


    printf("Please enter the Member ID :  ");

    while ( fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp) && strcmp(sno,rec.id) );

        printf(" +++ Record Not Found +++ ");
        printf(" ++ Search Results ++ ");

        printf(" Member ID : %s",rec.id);
        printf(" Name :  %s",rec.name);    // This will print the old name already stored.
        printf(" New Name : ");            // This will allow the user to change the old name and input a new name.
        check_name(rec.name,MIN);          // The check will validate each character entered turn by turn.

        fseek(fp, ftell(fp) - sizeof(rec),0);
        fwrite(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp); //The new name will be added to the database.

        printf(" +++ Database Updated +++ ");

void c_add()
    int ch;
    FILE *fp;
    char sno[NUM];


    printf("Please enter member ID : ");

    while ( fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp) && strcmp(sno,rec.id) );

    ch=strcmp(sno,rec.id);  // Here the result after comparing the values of the two strings by using the 'strcmp' function is assigned to 'ch'.
    if(ch!=0)            // This loop will execute if the Member's ID dont compare.
        printf(" +++ Record Not Found +++ ");
    else                 // If the Member's ID match, then this block will be executed.
        printf(" ++ Search Results ++ ");
        printf(" Member ID: %s",rec.id);
        printf(" Name : %s",rec.name);
        printf(" Address : %s",rec.address);
        printf(" Enter New Address : ");

        fseek(fp, ftell(fp) - sizeof(rec),0);    //fseek sets the file pointer associated with a stream to a new position.
        fwrite(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp);       //fwrite appends a specified number of equal-sized data items to an output file.

        printf(" +++ Database Updated +++ ");

void c_days()
    int ch;
    FILE *fp;
    char sno[NUM];


    printf("Please enter member ID :  ");

    while ( fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp) && strcmp(sno,rec.id) );

        printf(" +++ Record Not Found +++ ");
        printf(" ++ Search Results ++ ");
        printf(" Member ID : %s",rec.id);
        printf(" Name : %s",rec.name);
        printf(" Number of Days : %s",rec.days);    //Old Blood Group is displayed

        printf(" Enter New Number of days : "); //New Blood Group is asked for Input.
        check_days(rec.days, DAY);       //This check checks that only A B O +/- are entred.

        fseek(fp, ftell(fp) - sizeof(rec),0);
        fwrite(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp);

        printf(" +++ Database Updated +++ ");

void del()
    int ch;
    FILE *fp;
    char sno[NUM];


    printf("Please enter member ID :  ");

    while ( fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp) && strcmp(sno,rec.id) );

        printf(" +++ Record Not Found +++ ");
    else     //Here the saved record is displayed.
        printf(" ++ Search Results ++ ");
        printf(" Member ID: %s",rec.id);

        printf(" Name : %s",rec.name);

        printf(" Father's Name : %s",rec.fname);

        printf(" Address : %s",rec.address);

        printf(" Phone Number: %s",rec.phone);

        printf(" Mobile Number: %s",rec.mphone);

        printf(" Number of Days : %s",rec.days);
        printf(" Date of Reservatiion : %d-%d-%d",rec.day,rec.month,rec.year);

        printf("Do You Want To Delete this Record [Y/N] ");
        if (ch=='Y')
            empty(); //this is a Function which will erase the record in memory & NOT physically.
            fseek(fp, ftell(fp) - sizeof(rec), 0);
            fwrite(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp);

            printf(" +++ Record Deleted +++ ");



void check_id(char *p, int size)
    int i=0;
    char ch;


        if( (ch>='0' && ch<='9') && (i<size-1) )
            *p=ch;             //The value is assigned to the pointer.
            p++;               //Pointer is incremented.
            i++;               //Length counter is incremented.
            printf("%c",ch); //Validated character is printed.
        else      //This block of commands controls backspace.
            if(ch==8 && i>0)
                i--;              //Length counter is decremented.
                p--;              //Pointer is decremented.

    }while(ch!=13 || i<size-1);//this loop will continue till the total given length is reached or 'ENTER' is pressed.


void check_phone(char *ph, int size)
    int p=0;
    char s[20],ch;


        if( ((ch>='0' && ch<='9')||(ch=='-')) && (p<size-1) )


            if( (ch==8)&&(p>0) )

    }while(ch!=13 || p<size-1);


void check_mphone(char *ph, int size)
    int p=0;
    char s[20],ch;


        if( ((ch>='0' && ch<='9')||(ch=='-')) && (p<size-1) )


            if( (ch==8)&&(p>0) )

    }while(ch!=13 || p<size-1);


void check_name(char *p, int size)
    int j=0;
    char x[40],cj;



        if(((cj>='a' && cj<='z')||(cj>='A' && cj<='Z')||(cj==' ')) && (j<size-1))


            if(cj==8 && j>0)
                j--; p--;


void check_add(char *p, int size)
    int l=0;
    char a[50],ad;



        if(((ad>='a' && ad<='z')||(ad>='A' && ad<='Z')||(ad==' ')||(ad=='-')||(ad==',')||(ad=='/')||(ad=='.')||(ad>='0' && ad<='9')) && (l<size-1))


            if( (ad==8)&&(l>0) )
                l--; p--;


    a[l]='\0';   *p='\0';
void check_days(char *p, int size)
    int i=0;
    char ch;


        if( (ch>='0' && ch<='9') && (i<size-1) )
            *p=ch;             //The value is assigned to the pointer.
            p++;               //Pointer is incremented.
            i++;               //Length counter is incremented.
            printf("%c",ch); //Validated character is printed.
        else      //This block of commands controls backspace.
            if(ch==8 && i>0)
                i--;              //Length counter is decremented.
                p--;              //Pointer is decremented.

    }while(ch!=13 || i<size-1);//this loop will continue till the total given length is reached or 'ENTER' is pressed.



int duplicate(char idno[])
    FILE *fp;


    while(fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp) && strcmp(rec.id, idno));

    if(strcmp(rec.id, idno)==0)
        return 1;
        return 0;
void viewall()
    FILE *pt;
    int x=6;
    pt = fopen("hotel.rec", "rb");
    printf(" ++ All records of database ++ ");
    printf("Room No.  Name                           Phone No.   Mobile No.   No. Of Days");

    while ((fread(&rec,sizeof(rec),1,pt)==1))
            printf("Press any key to continue...");
            printf(" ++ All records of database ++ ");
            printf("Room No.  Name                           Phone No.   Mobile No.   No. Of Days");
void empty()
    strcpy(rec.id," ");
    strcpy(rec.name," ");
    strcpy(rec.fname," ");
    strcpy(rec.address," ");
    strcpy(rec.phone," ");
    strcpy(rec.mphone," ");
    strcpy(rec.days," ");
void c_id()
    int ch;
    FILE *fp;
    char sno[NUM];


    printf("Please enter member ID :  ");

    while ( fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp) && strcmp(sno,rec.id) );

        printf(" +++ Record Not Found +++ ");
        printf(" ++ Search Results ++ ");
        printf(" Member ID : %s",rec.id);
        printf(" Name : %s",rec.name);

        printf(" Enter New Room Number : "); //New Blood Group is asked for Input.
        check_id(rec.id, NUM);       //This check checks that only A B O +/- are entred.

        fseek(fp, ftell(fp) - sizeof(rec),0);
        fwrite(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp);

        printf(" +++ Database Updated +++ ");

void bill()
    int ch;
    float b;
    FILE *fp;
    char sno[NUM],temp;


    printf("Please enter the member ID :  ");

    while ( fread(&rec, sizeof(rec), 1, fp) && strcmp(sno,rec.id) );

        printf(" +++ Record Not Found +++ ");

        printf(" ++ Billing ++ ");
        printf(" Member ID : %s",rec.id);

        printf(" Name : %s",rec.name);

        printf(" Father's Name : %s",rec.fname);

        printf(" Address : %s",rec.address);

        printf(" Phone Number : %s",rec.phone);

        printf(" Mobile Number : %s",rec.mphone);

        printf(" Number of Days : %s",rec.days);
        printf(" Date of Reservation : %d-%d-%d",rec.day,rec.month,rec.year);
        printf(" Bill %.2f",(b * 500));
void about ()
      //    gotoxy(30,3);
      //    textcolor(GREEN);
    //    printf("Hotel Managmnet System");
    printf("   ABOUT PROGRAMER   ");
    gotoxy (35,10);
    textcolor (GREEN);
    cprintf ("Made By");
    gotoxy (33,11);
    cprintf ("Kalola Sandip");
    gotoxy (33,12);
    cprintf ("Sutariya Ashvin");
    gotoxy (33,13);
    cprintf ("Vaghela Jay");
    gotoxy (35,15);
    textcolor (GREEN);
    cprintf ("Presented To");
    gotoxy (33,16);
    textcolor (7);
    cprintf ("Mr Jatin Kothari");
    gotoxy (36,18);
    textcolor (GREEN);
    cprintf ("Project On");
    gotoxy (30,19);
    textcolor (7);
    cprintf ("Hotel Management System");
    gotoxy (33,21);
    cprintf ("Contact Information");
    gotoxy (30,22);
    textcolor (7);
       //    gotoxy (29,21);
      //    textcolor (7);
      //    cprintf ("www.atozbca.somee.com");
    //    gotoxy (20,24);
    //    textcolor (WHITE);
    //    cprintf ("DK SOFTWARE SOLUTION");
void box(int a,int b,int c,int d)
    int i,j;
گروه دور همی پارسی کدرز

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Browsing: 1 مهمان